Beautiful Slender Blue Howlite Pillow Beads

Product Code: nor319

Availability:In stock

Price is for 16 inches of these slender pillow- shaped beads.Each beads measures 15mm x 9mm x 5mm.All beads are drilled from buttom to top ready to thread.

What Is Howlite?
Howlite, named after its discoverer Henry How (a Nova Scotia geologist), is one of those minerals that is more famous for imitating another stone, turquoise. 

Howlite is always white or grey, but is commonly dyed blue.  However, dyed howlite is an affordable substitute for turquoise carvings and beads. It accepts a nice polish and its lustre is attractive, enhancing even undyed beads. Howlite is formed in nodules that appear like the heads of cauliflower. Veins of black web-like streaks often are interlaced, adding to the character.

Howlite has similar benefits to turquoise - used for creativity, calming, and reducing anxiety and tension.  It also encourages emotional expression, subtlety and tact, lessoning rudeness.  As well as helping to eliminate pain, stress and rage.  A simple and gentle stone that aids sleep and helps to bring back wisdom from the dream state.