The MrBead shop is hosted by Shopify. With over a million stores worldwide, this is one of the safest and largest online shopping platforms.

The MrBead Shop Security

Not only is our checkout secure, but the entire MrBead shop - see https (s for secure) with the little padlock icon by our domain URL on your browser. Your data is encrypted during transmission by SSL. Our checkout is fully automatic, powered by Shopify. We never see or record your card details.
SSL stands for 'Secure Sockets Layer'. It allows sensitive information such as credit card numbers to be transmitted securely. Normally, data sent between browsers and web servers is sent in plain text—leaving you vulnerable to eavesdropping. SSL is a security protocol. Protocols describe how algorithms should be used. In this case, the SSL protocol determines variables of the encryption for both the link and the data being transmitted. Also check the padlock icon on your browser's address bar before paying online.