Agate is one of the most common bead beaders use because it is readily available in an abundance of styles and shapes.
What is agate? Agate is a variety of microcrystalline quartz that forms in layers and many colours and texture, by filling a cavity in a host rock - although it is usually in round nodules with bands looking like eyes in the rings of a tree trunk. Different colours are caused by iron oxide or limonite crystals carried by water seeping into the cavity. Some people swear that wearing agate heightens spiritual consciousness and balances the body's physical and mental state.
Benefits Agate was valued as a powerful talisman in ancient times, when it was used on the breastplates of armor to give strength and courage. Agate is also thought to protect from stress, bad dreams, and help stomach upsets. Agate can't change emotions, but improves our level of acceptance. Wear agate when you have to make an important decision. It is also considered to be an excellent stone to heal and improve relationships, and is especially protective for children.
Fire Agate Fire agate has a translucent deep reddish-brown base, with flashes of orange, red and green that looks like flames within the gemstone - prompting alchemists to believe it contained the essence of fire. Its mysterious ‘cracked crystal’ appearance provides a vibrant energy that awakens the lower chakras and stimulates a zest for living. The inner heat enhances sensations and stimulates creativity, sexuality and will. Fire agate is a stone of integrity for the ambitious that increases stamina and circulation, as well as stirring the emotions of others to aid attraction between mates. It is said to liven up the feeling of humdrum routine.
Sardonyx Agate Sardonyx agate is a combination of the mineral sard in between white strips of onyx, creating a banded, zebra-like appearance. Usually the gemstone is brownish, but it can also form in pink, red, light green and blue.
Amazonite brings creativity - the 'Childbirth' Stone.
What Is Amazonite Amazonite, sometimes called Amazon Jade, is a similar stone to Aventurine. Usually found in yellow-green to blue-green. Some say Amazonite makes your married life happier!
Benefits Spiritualists believe amazonite has the ability to purify the spirit and bring balance to male and female energies. Its capacity to calm and bring inner-peace makes amezonite a very important stone in the spiritual realm. Green is the colour of healing - with aventurine the all-purpose healer. Not only good for physical disorders, blockages and migraine, but also healing on all levels.
What Is Amber? Amber was once a mystery. Until discovered it formed millions of years ago where sea was then forest. Resin from trees dripped into puddles. When the land was replaced by sea, the weight formed the resin into amber, which eventually floated to the surface.
Benefits of Amber Amber's been called 'petrified sunlight'. It's colour creates jewellery that makes the wearer both look and feel good - sometimes with more effect than diamonds.
Mythology Years ago, it was thought amber could magically draw energy to its bearer. Because rubbing amber against a wool made it electrically charged, attracting small objects. It was also believed to aid intellect, help memory loss and anxiety.
Imitation Amber Amber has always been imitated. Some amber beads in Egyptian tombs were made from copal – which is also fossilized tree resin, but only thousands of years old. Ambroid, although known as pressed or reconstituted amber, is made from real amber scraps and shavings generated by amber carvers. These pieces are collected, heated, then pressed into large blocks. |
What is Amethyst?Amethyst is the gemstone for February, and for those born under the zodiac of Pisces. Also called the Royal Purple Pope Stone, the purple variety of quartz. If it wasn’t so abundant, amethyst would be very expensive.
Its name comes from the Greek, meaning not drunken. Perhaps due to a belief that amethyst would sober the effects of alcohol. However, I find this doesn’t work!
Amethyst is always purple, but comes in shades of pale lilac to deep purple. Deeper colours are more valuable – milky amethyst is the cheapest.
Amethyst is mined in South American, but the best in Africa. Very dark amethyst, mostly comes from Australia.
Mythology According to Greek mythology, Dionysus, the God of Intoxication was angered by an insult from a mere mortal and swore revenge on the next mortal that crossed his path, creating fierce tigers to carry out his wish.
Along came unsuspecting Amethyst, a beautiful young maiden on her way to pay tribute to the goddess Diana. Diana turned Amethyst into a statue of pure crystalline quartz to protect her from the brutal claws. Dionysus wept tears of wine at the sight of the beautiful statue. The god’s tears stained the quartz purple, creating the gem we know today!
The Church & Crown Purple has long been considered a royal colour, featured in the British Crown Jewels and a favorite of ancient Egyptian royalty. Leonardo Da Vinci wrote that “amethyst could dissipate evil thoughts and accelerate intelligence”.
Because amethyst was believed to encourage celibacy and symbolize piety, it was very important in the ornamentation of churches in the middle ages. Amethyst is still the stone of bishops’ who often wear amethyst rings. Even in Tibet, amethyst is considered sacred to the Buddha.
Benefits Amethyst’s sobering and calming qualities is why it’s considered to have the power to purify and bring peace.
It’s also believed to boost your energy higher, and heal at all levels of mind, body and spirit. Amethyst is especially useful to calm overworked minds as it brings mental strength, stability, vigor, and reduces negativity.
Amethyst also supports all that is transitional. Especially death and rebirth – providing peace of mind when a loved one is lost. As an elixir, amethyst can help toothache, bone and joint discomforts and problems with the stomach and digestion. It has also been known taken for blood disease and balance blood sugar.
In yoga, amethyst aids the 6th Chakra, the Third Eye, center of the body’s spiritual power. Because amethyst heightens awareness, both spiritual and psychic – increasing intuition and psychic development and transition from a normal state of consciousness to a deeper awareness.
Aquamarine is March’s stone – a blue-green gemstone from South America, meaning Water of the Sea.
What Is Aquamarine? Although aquamarine is in the emerald family, it is very different. Aquamarine is blue-green beryllium.
Benefits Aquamarine lifts spirit, and excellent for meditation, bringing peace and serenity. Use it for your spring jewellery designs.
Mythology Folklore says it protects sailors’ and is the treasure of mermaids. The gemstone is also supposed to have powers that reach to land too, helping married couples solve their problems and drive off evil. Aquamarine is associated with the thymus gland and is very soothing worn as a necklace.
Also thought to help coughs, reduce fluid retention and calm the nerves. The Romans used aquamarine for stomach troubles and believed it could cure liver and throat problems. Aquamarine brings courage, aids quick intellectual response, and protecting the aura.
Choosing Aquamarine Colour ranges from a very light turquoise blue to a bluish green. Darker blue colours are the best, greener less valuable. Check the clarity of the stone. Because aquamarine has a light pastel colour, it’s important to be free of flaws or inclusions.
Examine the cut from different angles checking light reflects evenly off the surface of the gem, and that there are no scratches. Aquamarine is usually heat treated and sometimes irradiated. However, it will become paler if left out in the sun.
Clean aquamarine in with warm soapy water and a soft bristle brush. As with all gemstones, protect from scratches and sharp blows.
 Aventurine brings abundance and money!
What Is Aventurine? Aventurine also belongs to the quartz family. Although sometimes called 'new jade', aventurine often has inclusions (due to green fuchsite mica) which creates a speckle, never in genuine jadeite.
Benefits Spiritualists believe aventurine has the ability to purify the spirit and bring balance to male and female energy. Its capacity to calm and bring inner-peace makes aventurine an important stone in the spiritual realm. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is the all-purpose healer.
What Is Bronzite? Bronzite is the mineral Enstatite - a magnesium-rich and low-silica rock from magna. The beautiful golden brown stone is also found in meteorites.
Benefits Bronzite is calming, and said to promote peace and harmony. It's also believed to repel negative energy back to its sender, attract abundance and wealth, and clean the blood. A protecting stone helping you to believe in yourself, and for those born under the zodiac of Leo.
What Is Carnelain? This flesh-coloured stone comes from the quartz family, and is usually bright orange to reddish orange, translucent to clear. However, it can also be other colours like green or yellow.
Mythology Carnelian has brought many ancient beliefs: like protection during travel, after death, and against evil. It's also believed to combat bad tempers. The name comes from the Latin word 'Carnis' meaning flesh. The Romans thought that the darker Carnelian represented males, and the lighter females. Many believe that it creates a bond with man and nature.
Benefits Carnelian is for confidence. Said to help blood disorders and eliminate toxins from the body. Carnelian is in tune with the energies of the Earth, making you feel comfortable with your environment. Allowing you to pause and reflect, while feeling settled and more secure.
Carnelian stimulates the reproductive organs too; hence its use as a fertility symbol. It's also said to help creativity and have a clearing effect, replacing negative energy with positive. Making it easier to find direction and feel in control of your life.
A good stone for people starting new projects or who feel they are going nowhere. It motivates, allowing you to find the energy to make the most out of life. Carnelian is best for people with the zodiac sign of Leo.
What Is Chelcedony?
Chalcedony is a fine-grained variety of quartz with a waxy luster with compressed crystals. Because of this structure, it’s usually semi-opaque – which creates a soft glow as the light diffuses through the stone.Its name is said to come from an ancient Greek town called Chalkedon, which is now in Turkey.
Chalcedony is an excellent gemstone for spring jewellery. Its delicate, silky light-blue colour reminds of early morning mountain sky.
Romance Chalcedony is ideal for the lady you love or to use on wedding jewellery. Some people even use chalcedony wedding rings. Set in white gold or silver, it creates just the right look.
Colour Chalcedony comes in every colour, but for jewellery it’s usually light milky blue with a hint of pink. Being porous, it’s been dyed blue and pale minty-green for centuries – and today sometimes its colour enhanced to emerald green and even tangerine and peachy pink.
Formation Chalcedony is formed in volcanic rock cavities where silica-rich water flows through. Traces of iron oxide in the water create the pinkish and sometimes red colour.
The gemstone can be seen in the Arizona Desert, where petrified trees have formed from chalcedony replacing the ancient forest. Native Americas there called the stone sacred as they believed it brought stability to the tribe.
Benefits Chalcedony is a feminine stone, full of yin energy. Thought to balance the emotions, bring stamina, and promote kindness and charity.
It’s said to be good for love too, as it lowers anger and depression. The gemstone also absorbs negative energy and promotes a feeling of enthusiasm. It is believed to lower blood pressure with its anti-inflammatory properties and heal the lungs, so good for smokers!
History Chalcedony was carved into arrowheads, tools, ornaments, cups and bowls for tens-of-thousands of years. Sailors wore it as a talisman, and it’s the birthstone for those born under Sagittarius.
What Is Chrysoprase?The name chrysoprase (rhymes with bliss and craze) is from a Greek word meaning Golden Leek. It is the rarest of the chalcedony group of gem quartzes and its bright even colour and texture is ideal for beads.
History Chrysoprase was popular in the time of the Greeks and Romans when it was cut into cameos - the Egyptians used it with lapis jewellery and to decorate beads. In Europe until the middle of the last century it was used lavishly, until deposits in Silesia exhausted and it became expensive. The Book of Revelations (21:20) describes the holy city of Jerusalem with its 12 walls decorated with precious gemstones, the tenth being chrysoprase.
Benefits According to an 11th Century Byzantine manuscript, chrysoprase strengthens vision and relieves internal pain. Metaphysically, it brings a sense of grace, helping meditative calmness, and acceptance of oneself and others. It's believed to encourage positive outcome, helping to heal a broken heart, the heart itself, the reproductive organs, and fertility. And in the East, Chrysoprase is said to balance yin-yang, and encourage the heart chakra to bring energy to the physical body.
Astrologically, chrysoprase is associated with the zodiac signs of Gemini and Cancer.
Sunny and affordable, citrine brightens all jewellery, blending especially well with polished gold. Yellow is a natural reviver, and citrine focuses the mind bringing a feeling of self-esteem.
What Is Citrine? Citrine is a type of quartz - its colour coming from iron within the stone. Citrine comes from the French word for lemon, and is any quartz crystal or cluster that’s yellow to orange. Citrine is considered an alternative to topaz as the birthstone for November.
Benefits In medication it helps re-establish the link between your conscious and subconscious. If you’re feeling down, hold citrine to lift your spirit. It’s also good at healing the body and communication. Citrine gives warm energy, promotes optimism, and attracts wealth and abundance.
Citrine removes negative energy, and in ancient times it was carried as a protection against snake venom and evil thoughts. Known as a “merchants’ stone”, placed in the cash register to acquire and keep wealth.
Best Citrine Although the darker, orange colours of citrine, sometimes called Madeira citrine after the colour of the wine, has generally been the most valued colour, in modern times, many people prefer the bright lemony shades which mix better with pastel colours. Most citrine comes from Brazil.
As long as citrine is protected from prolonged exposure to light or heat, it will last for years, and never requires cleansing.
What Is Cloisonne?
Cloisonné is decorative enamelwork in which metal filaments are fused to the surface, outlining a design filled in with enamel paste.
History Cloisonné enamelware dates back over 500 years in China - especially popular during part of the Ming Dynasty (mid 15th-C). Owing to its brilliant colours and designs, cloisonné has been highly appraised around the world.
Cloisonne Beads Hand crafted by an elaborate and complicated process of hammering, soldering, enamel-filling, enamel firing, polishing and gilding. Cloisonné beads are no different in this process, and their energies are similar to those of flaked stone.
 Coral is a natural water-related bead that will sex-up your summer jewellery!
What Is Coral Coral is not a true gemstone, but a product of marine life - the outer skeleton of sea polyps, made of calcium carbonate. However, it's been used as a gem since prehistoric times.
History Coral is one of the seven treasures in Buddhist scriptures - and has long been a strong talisman protecting against evil spirits and hurricanes. It's also said to reduce blood flow, help anemia, and is thought to give wisdom and prevent madness!
Coral For Jewellery Many coral beads are quite rustic, with the original shape of the coral branches. Perfect for creating ethnic jewellery. But since they are also porous and soft, they can be colour enhanced and carved into lovely shapes, allowing them to fit nicely in higher-end designs too.
Coral usually ranges from white to red, and it grows in branches that look like underwater trees. Red, pink, and white corals are usually dense, while sponge and blue corals have small air pockets and interesting spotted patterns. Most coral for jewellery comes from the China Sea off Japan and Taiwan. Coral reefs in the South Pacific like the Great Barrier Reef grow a different species.
The price of coral remains low only because of stockpiles from up to 30-years ago. However, due to over-harvesting and environmental damage, coral is becoming rarer, and natural red coral is very expensive. Most red coral sold today has been dyed. It's quite easy to tell this on bold red coral beads, but the pink and blue corals are often color enhanced as well.
Fossil Beads Fossil coral, or agatized coral, is an alternative to coral if you like your beads to be more subtle. This is ancient coral that has been replaced by agate so slowly that the flower-like patterns of the original coral remained intact. Though it will not make a bold statement like the red corals, fossil corals have their own charm. They are mostly beige; but the grayish flower patterns may have subtle hints of pink, blue, and other colours.
Use crystal’s energy to access a higher level of consciousness and turn a desire into reality!
What Is The Difference between Crystal & Quartz? Both are silica rock (like sand), but have different molecular structure. Crystal beads have lead added, making them different from glass, which is also a form of quartz. Pure rock crystal is clear, but usually quart comes in a variety of opacity.
History The Mayans, Druid priests, and Tibetan monks all knew the spiritual power of crystal. The ancients used it to strengthen the sun’s rays to bring heat, and feng-shui teaches that arranging crystals around the home retains positive energy. Crystals became important to these people because of their belief in crystal's capacity to store and amplify any power source fed in – physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.
Benefits Same as today’s therapists say that the stone's ability to work as a conductor allows energy to be focused via a person’s thoughts to stimulate healing. Many use crystal to focus attention on what they want.
All types of crystal has this magical power, but individual colour crystal is believed to have other uses too. Rose quartz, the stone of unconditional love, is great for emotional healing. Red, yellow, and orange stones are said to produce energy; clear and aquamarine stones are healers; and lavender and blue-violet are calming stones.
What Is Dzi? Dzi agate is possibly the most mysterious of all beads. These shiny beads, patterned with mystical eyes are among the most treasured in the world. “Dzi” in Tibetan means: "shine, brightness, clearness, and splendor. In the past, dzi beads were very expensive - but like most things, mass-production today makes them affordable.
Agate No gemstone is more creatively striped by nature than agate – technically, chalcedony quartz forming in layers in a wide variety of colour and texture. Each individual agate forms by filling a cavity in its host rock, resulting in round nodules, with bands like the rings of a tree trunk, looking like eyes.
Benefits Agate was highly valued as a talisman and a traveler’s amulet since ancient times. It’s believed to bring good fortune, health, wealth and long life - as well as quenching thirst and preventing fever. Persian magicians used agate to divert storms, and athletes to increase vitality. It's also said to bring self-confidence by reducing fear. Some call its strange patterns 'cosmic caterpillar tracks'. Others' swear that wearing these beads can heighten the spiritual consciousness and balance the body's physical and mental states. |
What Is Flaked Stone?
The most common flaked stone is goldstone. A man-made stone, first created by alchemists trying to make gold. Other variations are bluestone, lemon stone, and peach stone. Each are a type of glass mixed with metals to form a glittery appearance.
However, all material has properties - these are transmitter stones. Causing light to pass through in order to convey or receive a medium. Revitalizing, energizing, and encouraging a positive attitude and individualism. As well as calming and refreshing, flaked stone is said to protect the center of the body, reducing stomach tension.
Fluorite is considered to be one of the most powerful healing stones.
What Is Flourite? The mineral fluorite is famous for its glassy luster and wide range of colours - from purple, blue, green, yellow, colorless, brown, pink, black and reddish orange. Named after the Latin word "To flow".
Benefits Fluorite brings perceptiveness, peace, calms a troubled mind, and strengthens the bones. It's particularly useful in medication - because holding even a small piece in the hand brings a sense of inner peace. Those who choose this stone are likely to be artistic and creative, being able to earn money from their talent - as well as self-critical with a fear of failure.
History Fluorite has been excavated from the ruins of Pompeii, but despite being a favourite with ancient civilizations, has been recently overlooked. |
What Is Garnet Garnet is a name given to over ten gemstones with similar chemical structure. Although red occurs most, there are also shades of green, pale to bright yellow and fiery-orange garnet. Some rare garnets even change color from daylight to artificial light.
The name garnet derives from the Latin 'granum', meaning grain. Describing the typically rounded shape of the gemstone and similar to pomegranate seeds. Garnet comes mainly from Africa, but also from India, Russia, central and south America.
Benefits Garnet makes good jewellery because it's very hard, and so resistant to wear. Garnet is said to symbolize happiness as well as deep and enduring love and friendship.
History Garnet has been found in jewellery from ancient Greece, Rome, and dating back to 3100 BC in Egypt. Oriental warriors made garnet bullets because they believed these would inflict more harm. Others thought garnet brightened the night because of its high refraction of light - explained Noahs garnet lantern to steer his Ark.
Travelers wore garnets to protect against evil, poison, and wounds. It was also believed to help depression and prevent nightmares. Red garnet in particular is said to break a fever, stop bleeding and to reduce inflammation.
Modern Garnet Today, garnet is prized for its beauty rather than its magical powers. People like its naturalness, its brilliance, and colour of a sun-drenched Indian summer. Deep green garnets are the rarest and therefore expensive. Emerald green and colorless garnet is next rarest, followed by pure red.
What Is Gaspetite?
Gaspeite is a rare nickel carbonate, light green to apple green. The colour comes from the fact that it is found around nickel sulfides. Named after the Gaspe' Peninsula in Quebec where it was originally found - although today, most is mined in Australia.
Benefits Gaspeite is believed to bring you spiritual energy, and to be very healing, supporting the liver and gallbladder. Some even say it can aid weight loss and be good for travel sickness.
A Soft Stone Gaspeite is a little softer than turquoise, and should be treated with at least as much care.
What Is Hematite? Hematite is one of the most common minerals, being the principle ore of iron. The colour of most red rock, like sandstone, is caused by small amounts of hematite. Although usually black in jewellery, hematite causes the red colour of garnet and ruby.
All non-crystalline forms of hematite are transformations of the mineral Limonite that lost water, possibly due to heat. Hence the recent excitement of the discovery of grey hematite on the planet Mars, suggesting there was once water present.
Jewellery Hematite Hematite makes great jewellery because it’s inexpensive, shiny and sleek. It’s especially suitable for winter designs. Magnetic hematite makes popular bracelets, but sometimes is a disadvantage because it pulls metal from other components. Therefore, most hematite we sell, is non-magnetic. Only well formed hematite crystals are cut and polished into cabochons for jewellery, beads, and ornaments.
Magnetic Hematite People wear it as rings and necklaces not only for style, but because they believe the magnetic variety relieves rheumatism. Magnetic therapy has been around for over 4,000 years.
Benefits Bio-magnetic bracelets are becoming popular again. Some swear, not only do they look good; the magnetism makes them feel better too.
Therapists claim they can cure disorders and the magnetism relieves pain and stress, especially if the bracelet is worn on the area of reflexive points. It’s also said to protect from harmful radiation caused from every-days appliances like microwave ovens, mobile phones and televisions.
The idea is that magnetic fields can relax capillary walls in the body by increasing blood flow, similar to the effect of massaging muscles. The average person has 3 to 4gms of iron in their body, most in the blood. When this iron is magnetized, circulation increases. Others say, magnetic jewellery allows the body to produce endorphins, the natural pain killers. There were no reports of side effects.
AB Hematite There is also a new type of hematite bead recently available, giving yet another angle to this versatile metal: Aurora Borealis. This is hematite with an AB coating similarly used on crystals to give a multi-coloured effect when turned. This looks striking on jewellery designed to be worn in bright lights at night.
What Is Howlite? Howlite, named after its discoverer Henry How (a Nova Scotia geologist), is one of those minerals that is more famous for imitating another stone, turquoise.
Howlite is always white or grey, but is commonly dyed blue. However, dyed howlite is an affordable substitute for turquoise carvings and beads. It accepts a nice polish and its lustre is attractive, enhancing even undyed beads. Howlite is formed in nodules that appear like the heads of cauliflower. Veins of black web-like streaks often are interlaced, adding to the character.
Benefits Howlite has similar benefits to turquoise - used for creativity, calming, and reducing anxiety and tension. It also encourages emotional expression, subtlety and tact, lessoning rudeness. As well as helping to eliminate pain, stress and rage. A simple and gentle stone that aids sleep and helps to bring back wisdom from the dream state.
For 5,000 years Imperial China used the word "jade" as something precious, as jade is said to have all the attributes most valued in society. It is delicate, but will not break - is beautiful, but not impermanent, it can be flawed with lines, but still pleasing.
What Is jade? Jade is a dense, close-grained stone, formed from different minerals inside a rock by heat and pressure. A cultural term for slightly different durable stones, although most jade can be categorized as either jadeite or nephrite.
Usually jade beads are jadeite, despite being less common than nephrite. Nephrite is composed of fibrous crystals inter-twinned in a tough compact mass and is less intense dark spinach greens, white, brown, or black.
Benefits It is believed to radiate divine unconditional love and balance the emotions. Jade is said to improve judgment - ancient silk traders often held jade while bartering. A small piece of jade worn around the neck was thought to dispel illness.
Every piece of carved jade has a secret meaning. Discovering that meaning and the legends behind it is very satisfying. New Jade is serpentine, said to protect against snakebites, parasite infections, poison and venom!
History Chinese jade first arrived in the West during the sixteenth century, brought from Canton by the Portuguese. The most famous jade carved in China is from Burma, with shades of green, lavender, yellow, white and grey. These colours form over millions of years from minerals in the rock. Today jade continues to be a symbol of love, virtue, and status. With Chinese carvings reaching the highest value.
How To Tell Quality The best jade has a waxy, pearly appearance. Feeling cool and so smooth, it seems soft to the touch. Yet hard enough that pressure from a sharp knife will not leave a mark.
Natural jade is expensive and will have imperfections like black dots or white swirls. If the bead is evenly coloured it's likely to be dyed. However, jade has been dyed for hundreds of years and most jade beads today are dyed.
What Is Jasper? Jasper is a crystalline variety of quartz that contains up to 20% foreign material. This is what determines the stones multicolor, striped, or spotted appearance.
History Jasper was highly valued in ancient times, not only for its beauty, but also for the reputed magical and medicinal properties. In France jasper ornaments date back two-millennia, Babylonians used in for seals twelve-hundred years ago, and in India it has been used for jewellery and building for centuries.
Benefits Jasper is known as the 'Patron stone of counselors and healers'. Being very healing and balancing, it was used for many different medications - like grinding into a powder to treat gall bladder and kidney disease. Ancient people used jasper to relieve pain, especially childbirth. Jasper is reported to sooth the nerves and to treat the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver and stomach.
Types Of Jasper Red jasper is an intensely protective stone, stabilizing the aura and bringing contentment - even said to assist astral travel during meditation. Poppy jasper is dark red with black flecks and thought to heal allergies to animals. Picture jasper is pale brown with darker patterns - named from pictures formed by patterns caused by trapped fossilizes algae. Picture jasper helps to evaluate life's issues and develop business pursuits leading to increase. Fancy jasper is creamy brown with lavender or green swirls. Believed to clear the mind, bring tranquility and eliminate worry and depression. And green jasper is thought to be lucky in monetary trades.
What Is Jet? Jet is a soft, opaque black gemstone, easily identified because it's very lightweight. Jet is composed of carbonized wood.
Benefits Medieval healers believed that burning jet was a cure for fever, and that it is a stone of sympathy with its calming energy healing grief.
History The material was first found near the River Gages and mentioned in ancient Greece. Jet has been used since the Bronze Age as an ornamental stone - and Western American tribes used it for fetishes, beads and jewellery.
Jet reached its zenith in popularity during the reign of Queen Victoria, who wore black jet jewellery while in mourning for her late husband, Prince Albert. Most jet in the UK then came from Whitbey and the North East Coast.
What Is Lapradorite? Labradorite is formed as crystals in magna, and then heat and pressure develop it further in other rocks. Named where first discovered, Labrador in Canada.
Benefits Its aurora borealis of colour makes labradorite truly a magical stone - important to those who seek knowledge and guidance, and to the modern mystic. Labradorite is a powerful protector against negative forces, shielding the aura and strengthening natural energy from within. It is said to bring amazing change to your life and naturally heal.
What Is Lampwork?
The 'lamp' in lampwork came from the oil lamps and blowpipes used in seventeenth century France and Italy. Blowing by mouth or bellows into an oil lamp flame with a small pipe makes just enough heat to form this type of glass.
Hot glass-working skills originated from the Syrians around 1700 BC, the Egyptians 1450 BC, the Chinese around 550 BC, and the Romans at the turn of the first millennium. Today lampworkers usually use an oxygen torch, but the technique to form and decorate the glass hasn’t changed much for thousands of years.
Benefits It was thought lampwork beads brought success because they supported their owner's efforts, overcoming mistakes and problems - and some say they can control emotion, heal bad feelings and aid creativity.
Choosing Lampwork Beads As usual with handcrafted items, the quality is equal to the expertise of its maker. Choose beaded jewellery in a style you like, but remember that style isn’t the only thing to consider when buying handcrafted glass beads.
Air bubbles should not be visible in the bead – although some beadmakers use of these as design elements. The bead hole should be free of nicks or burrs. Jagged edges around the hole produce a wobbly bead that can eventually cut through beading wire. They’re handcrafted, so expect some variations, that’s part of their charm, but the overall look should be attractive.
How Are Lampwork Beads Make? Lampworkers use a torch to melt a glass rod, and then wind the molten glass around a narrow stainless steel rod. Later, when the bead is removed, the space occupied by the mandrel becomes the hole used to string the bead. Glass cools from the outside in and the outer layers shrink as they cool. Bringing a bead out of the flame allows the outside of the bead to cool rapidly around its molten interior.
However, a stress point develops between the cool shrinking glass and the hot center, which can cause a crack. To prevent this, the beads are heated in a kiln to ensure all glass within them is the same temperature. After soaking, the artist reduces the kiln’s heat over several hours to bring the beads to room temperature.
The combination of royal blue and flakes of gold has made lapis very popular right now. Its quality speaks for itself making it easy for you to sell. And everyone expects jewellery made from the gemstone to be expensive, giving you an edge on price.
What Is Lapis Lazuli? Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone straight out of fairy tales of the Arabian Nights: deepest blue with golden shining pyrite inclusions which twinkle like little stars.
Lapis is a rock composed of multiple minerals. Its colour comes from lazurite, a blue silicate mineral of the sodalite group.
Named after Lapis, the Latin word for stone, and the Arabian for blue. Thousands of years before Christ, Egyptian and Persian royalty wore lapis as a talisman to deter danger.
Benefits For many people lapis is a stone of truth and friendship. Bringing harmony to relationships and helping its wearer openly state their opinion. While aiding inner vision, wisdom, insight and judgment. It’s also said to be good for treating thyroid problems and reaching our inner selves. A powerful gemstone that should not be worn by those who lack strength of character.
History In other cultures it was worshiped as a holy stone and thought to have magical power in oriental countries. Many believe the Biblical sapphire was actually lapis lazuli. Through the ages, lapis has been associated with power, wisdom, love, and a psychic stimulant.
In the art world it’s famous for the ultramarine blue paint used by the Grand Old Masters, like on portraits of the Virgin Mary. While other compositions have long since paled, lapis has lost nothing of its brilliance.
Lapis is mined in Afghanistan mountains, the best stones being deep blue with finely distributed golden crystals. The twinkling inclusions are not gold but pyrite, caused by iron. The blue colour comes from the sulfuric content of lazurite, and looks dull until polished.
Look After Lapis Lapis is a soft stone that should be treated gently while polishing. Unpolished, the dark blue looks dull with golden inclusions and whitish veins from marble. However, a Lapis which has dulled after being worn too often is easily polished, and jewellery is often surface sealed with wax or resin.
What Are Lava Beads? These inexpensive volcanic stones are surprisingly light, ideal for large chunky, rustic jewellery. The chic naturally-black beads are also crafted in different colours, shapes and sizes, allowing creative designs.
Benefits Lava beads promote strength and fertility. Bringing stability in changing times, driving away anger – and helping one to understand a problem, in order to bounce back stronger. A very grounding stone that strengthens our connection to Mother Earth.
Lava Bead Jewellery These unusual black beads draw mystique to your designs - and because they're porous, perfect for popular oil diffuser jewellery. Use them for matching, earthy necklaces and earrings.
What Is Mookaite? Mookaite is the name of a silicified porcelanite which forms over the Carnarvon Basin in Western Australia.
Under the microscope, mookaite looks unusual. With an unusual skeletal structure of opaline silica - the remains of tiny sea creatures millions of years ago.
Benefits Australian aboriginals believe mookaite to be a healing stone that bestows strength. Useful in stabilising health and in fortifying the immune system. It's also thought to purify the blood, help with glands in general, the stomach, water retention and hernias.
Others say Mookaite encourages the desire for variety and new experiences, making us think more flexible and enhance decision making. As well as being kinder to ourselves and others. It is a very protective stone, and is particularly good as an emotional protector.
What Is Malachite? Malachite is green copper carbonate which often forms inside limestone. It's bright green colour does not fade over time.
Benefits People say Malachite's green stripes have the ability to soothe and bring rest - helping sleep, meditation, the circulation and balancing emotions. The copper content helps rheumatism. It's also the guardian stone of travellers who wear it to warn of danger.
The magic of malachite is also thought to attract love and wealth and change energy in your life. Some believe malachite travels the world in search of energies to change. If your life is in a rut, try wearing malachite - but beware of unstoppable change.
Malachite is especially fragile, so guard against scratches. Washing malachite in water will remove its protective polish.
What Is Moonstone Moonstone is nature’s treasure with a sensuous charm. Its characteristic feature is its magical play of light.
The stone is translucent, and softens the light shining through it to give a pearly moon-like glow which appears different whenever the stone changes position. Once thought to be caused by the moon, the affect is made by light refracted inside the stone. Chemically, it's from the feldspar group of minerals.
Mythology Much mystery surrounds this stone. In India it’s considered sacred to lovers, and is also known to bring beautiful dreams. In Arab countries women sew moonstone onto their garments as a symbol of fertility. It was also believed to protect seafarers. Some say during full-moon, moonstone is very powerful for reconciling love – and as the moon decreases, is said to bring prophecy.
A feminine stone for female issues, but also used by men who want to reach their feminine side. Moonstone brings confidence, calms the emotions, and aids spirituality, intuition, and clairvoyance.
Also thought to protect against fever, fluid-retention and urinary problems. Its soft shine supports the emotional and dreamy side of a person. Wearing moonstone will also increase your sensitivity for others.
Natural moonstone Classical moonstone from Sri Lanka shimmers pale blue and is expensive. Moonstone from India has a cloud-like plays of light on beige, brown or green, backgrounds – and some have a cat’s eye or a multi-rayed star. Uncut moonstone is dull and lacks the play of light. This is brought out by the cutter’s skills.
Colours Moonstone comes in colourless, white, grey, and subtle yellow, but always has a blue or white sheen. Rainbow moonstone is colourless with a blue sheen and a rainbow-like array of colours.
Value The more intense the colour, size and transparency, the more value. Top quality blue moonstone has an incredible 'three-dimensional' depth of colour, which only shows when tilting. Brighter coloured Indian moonstone is cheaper, so is opalite moonstone.
Opalite moonstone Opalite moonstone is most common today. This is a synthetic stone with even more blue shimmer than genuine moonstone, that’s only been around recently.
Against a light background, it appears milky white, shimmering faint lilac-blue. Against a darker background, it changes to icy blue with the highlights altering to intense oranges and reds. The stone practically glows on its own, and demands attention by outshining all around.
Opalite moonstone adds a romantic feminine allure to your jewellery, always looking refreshingly cool – ideal for summer. Its pastel glow is soft and captivating, complimenting other light-coloured stones like lilac amethyst, blue chalcedony, and rose quartz.
What Is Obsidian? Obsidian is natural glass formed by rapid cooling of volcanic lava. Usually black, shiny, and hard – but also grey, brown, or with white flecks. When fractured it leaves sharp edges, hence its use since the stone-age as a cutting tool and for weapons.
Snowflake Obsidian Snowflake obsidian is caused by inclusions of small white crystals of silica, producing a blotchy snowflake pattern. Sheen or Rainbow Obsidian is caused by small bubbles of air trapped in the molten rock just before being cooled.
Benefits Obsidian is a nurturing stone that can help you accept the changes that are a part of everyone's live. Its energy has a grounding, stabilizing influence, and can dispel negative energy. But for healing, it’s recommend to balance obsidian with a lighter crystal, like smoky quart. Also thought to improve vision, relieve digestive problems, and clear the mind. And is sometimes gazed into like a crystal ball to find inner spiritual vision.
What Is Onyx? Onyx is a term used for several stones. It has been dyed since ancient time, with the popular pure black variety, being dyed microcrystalline quartz. Its natural colour is usually brown, white or grey. Onyx used in architecture isn't a form of quartz at all, but a type of limestone marble.
Benefits Although regarded as protective, onyx has a reputation as a stone of discord. Onyx was worn to cool the ardors of love, probably because it helps to balance the mind and emotions. Not only avoided by lovers, but also at night, as it provoked nightmares. However, it is thought to improve concentration and devotion, hence onyx rosaries. Onyx is a strength-giving stone, useful for athletes or people under stress. Its energy is a mental tonic and can help cope with worries, bringing harmony with your surroundings.
What Is Opal? All of natures fury can be seen in fine opal. Like a Rembrandt: fire, lightning, all the colours of the rainbow and the shine of far seas.
Australia supplies about 95% of the worlds opal from the outback. Aborigines believe their creator came to Earth on a rainbow bringing a message of peace - at the spot where his foot touched the ground, opal formed!
The name Opal comes from many places. In Greek 'Opallios' translates as colour change, and to the ancient Romans 'Opalus' was a stone from several elements. A Roman author wrote that opal combines the sparkle of almandine, the shining purple of amethyst, the golden yellow of topaz, and the deep blue of sapphire.
Types of Opal Fine opals sparkle in a continually changing play of colours called 'opalising'. Depending on their location they have names like Harlequin, Peacock, and Fire Opal. Most opal has this play of colours except Common Opal, a name give to all others, like Pink Opal.
Fine opalizing opal is rare and very expensive, so is sold in individual beads for hundreds of US dollars each. Therefore, the type of opal common in necklaces is non-opalizing opal – usually pink opal from Peru.
What Causes Opal's Effect? Opals play of colour is caused by small spheres of silica creating interference and refraction manifestations. The spheres, which are arranged in compact structures, dissect light through the gemstone, turning it into the rainbow effect, always new and different.
Benefits It's believed opal enhances cosmic consciousness and psychic vision. Some say it helps memory and depression, brings self worth, and finds true love.
Opals are supposed to enhance the positive characteristics for people born under the sign of Cancer. With Black Opal recommended to Scorpios and Boulder Opal for Aries.
The opalizing effect reflects changing emotions and moods. People prefer different opals for different moods.
Peruvian Opal Peruvian Opal comes in faint pink, light blue and light mint-green tones. From the mountains near San Patricio, Peru.
Although native South Americans have been using the stone for thousands of years, it only became widely available commercially this century. It's usually translucent to opaque with no play of colour and often has lots of black and tan dendrites.
Most Peruvian Opal beads are semi-opaque to opaque. Peruvian opals metaphysical properties are similar to other opals. Helping to intensify your traits and characteristics and deepening your personal understanding. Peruvian Opal in particular is used to activate the heart charka and to assist you during spiritual journeys.
How to Value Opal The most important price criteria is the play of colour, the colours themselves and their pattern, followed by transparency and original location. Colour can be black, dark or light, or coloured. Black Opal has the most brilliant play of colour, and those from Lightning Ridge or Mexican Fire Opal is the best. Crystal opal, is the next best, and should be more transparent. White or milky opals are the cheapest.
Looking after Opal Due to 2 to 6% water, opals easily become brittle and if stored too dry or exposed to heat, over time the play of colour will fade. Therefore, Opal jewellery should be worn as often as possible, so to receive humidity from the air and from the skin of its wearer.
The pearl is the queen of gems and the gem of queens.
What Is Pearl? Foreign material inside a mussel can’t be expelled. To reduce irritation, the mollusk coats the intruder with the same secretion it uses for shell-building, nacre. A pearl is several layers of this nacre over the irritant.
The Best Pearls Good pearls have thick overlapping layers of nacre. This can be tested by viewing its 'lustre'. Roll the pearl with a pen in good light – the best pearls will reflect the pen the most. A large pearl is only more valuable if it’s the same quality as a smaller one – the rounder the better. Being an organic gem, grooves, pits, or dents are expected.
Cultured Pearls The least expensive cultured pearls today rival the most expensive natural pearls ever found. Cultured freshwater pearls occur in mussels for the same reason saltwater pearls occur in oysters. To cultivate a pearl, farmers slit the mussel and insert small pieces of live tissue from another mussel.
Benefits Pearls are said to bring positivity and help their wearer be kinder and psychologically healthy. They are also thought to ease depression and encourage travel.
What is Mother-of-Pearl? Mother of pearl is the iridescent substance that forms the inner layer of the mollusk's shell.The mollusk forms it for protection, and as the pearl it’s composed of alternate layers of calcium carbonate and conchiolin.
The shining, playful light of mother-of-pearl has attracted attention since ancient times. Today, it’s dyed every colour under the sun – creating attractive jewellery at affordable prices.
Peridot is cooling, and its vivid, shimmering aqua-green colour is ideal to complement a light summertime outfit.
What Is Peridot? Peridot (pronounced pair-a-doe) is the gem variety of olivine, a mineral formed under intense heat. Perhaps named from the French word 'Peridot', meaning unclear, due to its inclusions and cloudy nature.
Small crystals of peridot are often found in rocks by volcanoes and in meteors. Because the iron is an integral part of its structure, its colour is always green – ranging from transparent lime to olive green. One of the few gemstones of only in one colour.
Benefits Peridot is recommended for insomnia, digestive problems and to stimulate the mind. Some say peridot has the ability to drive away evil spirits. And its also said to strengthen the power of any medicine drunk from peridot goblets.
History Peridot has been mined as a gemstone for thousands of years, said to be the favourite gem of Cleopatra, and mentioned in the Bible. In ancient Egypt it was mined at night because legend tells that peridot was hard to see during the day, yet easily visible by lamplight. Peridot was later used to decorate medieval churches, carried back to Europe by the Crusaders.
What Is Pyrite? Known as Fool's Gold, for it's similarity of colour. Pyrite is a metallic mineral composed of iron and sulphur, found in limestone and shale. It's name comes from a Greek work meaning 'stone to strike fire', referring to pyrite's ability to spark when struck.
Benefits A masculine stone of action that stimulates ideas, bringing confidence and persistence. Metaphysically, pyrite is said to protect from negative forces, and bring Earth energy like warmth and wealth. It's even thought to shield the body from pollution!
What Is Quartz? Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals, solidified from volcanic lava and composed of oxygen and silicon.
Mythology The Mayans, Druid priests, and Tibetan monks all knew the spiritual power of crystal. The ancients used it to strengthen the sun’s rays to bring heat, and feng-shui teaches that arranging crystals around the home retains positive energy.
Benefits Quartz was important to these people, because they believed crystal could store and amplify any power source fed into them – physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Today’s therapists say that the stones ability to work as a conductor allows energy to be focused via a person’s thoughts to stimulate healing. Many use crystal to focus attention on what they want and turn a desire into reality.
Types Of Quartz Quart has many variations. Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love, great for emotional healing. Milky Quartz is cloudy because of fluid inclusions embodied early in its life. And Smoky Quartz is caused by natural radiation from nearby granite rocks.
What Is Rhodonite? Rhodonite is a silicate of manganese, first mined for decoration in Russia in the late 1800s.
Usually pink to red or orange, but can also be black. Named after the Greek word for rose, rhodon'. Its beautiful pink colour often has black manganese oxide veins running through it, creating a distinct appearance.
Benefits Rhodonite has similar properties to malachite - stabilizing the emotions, soothing and bringing order to feelings. Its steady uplift gradually strengthens your emotional foundation, allowing body and emotions to harmonize and respond to life’s situations. |
What Is Rainflower Viewing Stone? It's natural agate, quartz, and other silicates formed along the banks of China's Yangtze River over millions of years.
Jade, chalcedony, jasper and minerals in the rock create colours and patterns, looking like flowers in the rain. The name originated from ancient myth during the Southern Liang dynasty, about 1,400 years ago. Because of their naturalness, no two of these stones are alike.
Traditionally, viewing stones were carved to look like a mountain, waterfall or scenic landscape. The idea was to create a feeling of being at the place that is depicted. They were also displayed under water in simple white porcelain bowls - to intensify the colours and make patterns become more obvious.
Benefits Rain flower viewing stone is said to bring harmony, and is helpful to romantic relationships. Balancing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.
What Is Ruby Zoisite? Ruby zoisite is a combination of fiery ruby and earthy zoisite. Zoisite is a mixture of tanzanite, thulite and other minerals. Ruby Zoisite is a creative stone, its energy coming from the red and green colours.
Benefits By itself, ruby is associated with passion - bringing anger to the surface and amplifying emotion. Zoisite provides a natural medium for softening this. Its green cools and stabilizes. This is valuable when passion seems overwhelming, and ruby in zoisite is excellent for healing a broken heart and reducing obsessive feelings to another person.
In the chakra system red relates to creativity and sexuality, and green is associated with healing, balancing, and abundance. It also encourages creative energy, helping ideas materialise.
Ruby zoisite is more popular these days. Perhaps because more people are ready to heal relationships and express their creativity.
What Is Sodalite? Sodalite is a blue stone usually peppered with white calcite. It occurs in volcanic rock that crystallized from sodium-rich magmas.
Benefits Especially valuable for those in mental confusion –helping rationalize decisions and calming emotion. It also encourages self-expression - by uniting logical thought with the spirit and helping you realize you can do things differently. Some say that a piece of sodalite under the pillow can help you remember dreams! |
What Is Sugilite? Sugilite forms in granite, it's purple coming from manganese. It was only discovered in 1944, in Japan. Sugilite's metaphysical properties, distinctive rich colour and waxy luster are sought after by New Agers.
Benefits Sugilite is believed to strengthen spirituality by enhancing your psychic ability by opening the chakras. It relives worries, brings a feeling of well-being and inspiration - and is called today's 'love stone', representing spiritual love.
Sugilite For Jewellery Sugilite is becoming more popular, and we often sell out because it's hard to source large quantities. Sugilite looks great with turquoise, malachite or coral.
What Is Tiger’s Eye? Tiger's Eye forms when quartz replaces bluish-gray crocidolite. Crocidolite is composed of parallel fibers, creating the 'tiger's eye effect'. The golden yellow colour is iron within crocidolite staining the quartz.
Tiger-eye reflects light like a reel of silk, with beads polished to show their characteristic stripes of pearly luminescence - caused by light reflecting off the thin parallel inclusions in the stone.
Colours range from a rich golden-yellow to dark-brown, as well as red tiger eye.
Benefits Tiger-eye is good for those worried about health. It’s positive energy builds will-power and inner-strength. Traditionally it has been used to heal wounds, eyes, and the lower legs and feet – as well as for digestion and stomach problems. It’s also said to bring spiritual well-being and psychic protection.
Tiger-eye is also thought to not only attract wealth, but help to keep money by allowing you to consider all factors, like reducing greed or wastefulness. It's also a good for those tired or under stress, as it relaxes and clarifies thought.
Tiger eye has been used for centuries. Roman soldiers wore it for protection, as they thought the stone could see more than the human eye.
Similarity to the Tiger! Its name comes from the bands resembling a tiger's eye. Some say other benefits are associated to the animal - like focus, balance, strength, clear sight, determination, courage and determination. The ideal stone to concentrate on a goal in life. The gemstone can bring the patience necessary, like a tiger waiting to pounce, to plan a project or a new way of life.
Cat’s & Hawk’s Eye Similar stones are cat’s-eye and hawk’s-eye – all with bands of pearly luminescence creating a supernatural appearance.
Cat’s-eye can be yellowish-brown to green with a white band, and is said to bring wealth and pleasure from your children.
Hawk’s-eye or falcon’s eye has a blue radiance. When a bright light source is directed at the side of the stone, one side of the eye will be milky white and the other remains coloured. When the stone is rotated, the colours switch. It's believed to cool overwhelming sexual passion.
Tourmaline beads are extremely popular right now - said to be the gemstone of love and friendship.
What Is Tourmaline? Tourmaline is it’s own mineral family with complex chemical variants. The most common types are Elbaite, Schorl, and Dravite.
The gemstone is available in many colours, some changing depending on the viewing angle. Pink is the most common caused by traces of manganese - but iron induces green and blue, and natural radiation or heat can make other colours.
It’s name originates from ‘tura mali’: meaning like ‘stone with mixed colours’. Usually found in granite from Brazil or Africa.
Benefits Tourmaline is believed to combine creativity and discipline, and is a natural source of negative ions and far infrared rays. Far infrared therapy is common to heal in Japan.
It is also thought to improve circulation, good for digestion, relieve stress, increase mental alertness and strengthen the immune system. As well as creating peace and communication between the conscious and unconscious minds.
What Is Topaz? Topaz is a silicate mineral formed in cavities of volcanic rocks - and also in water-worn pebbles in streams derived from those rocks.
Benefits Topaz is said to release tension, bring joy, health, generosity, and abundance. A stone of love and fortune, promoting openness and honesty.
History The Egyptians thought Ra, the Sun God, gave topaz it's colour, making it a very powerful amulet. The Romans associated topaz with Jupiter, who is also their god of the sun. And Greek legend has it that topaz could make the wearer invisible and would change colour in the presence of poisoned food or drink.
Colours Topaz comes in a wide colour range: golden brown, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, and colorless. Sometimes the stone is treated to make it blue.
What is turquoise? Turquoise is a soft, opaque gemstone, formed by volcanic rock reacting to copper deposits brought by water. Colour ranges from blue-green, to yellow-green with grey, black or brown veining.
Most non-green turquoise these days is dyed. Don’t believe otherwise! As genuine turquoise is expensive, reconstituted turquoise is common – crafted from real turquoise chips fused with other stones to cut cost.
History Turquoise has been found in 5,000-year-old Egyptian tombs and the Tibetans used it as currency centuries ago.
North Africa and the Middle East hold large deposits, but most turquoise today originates from Burma and is carved in China. Turquoise didn’t reach Europe until the crusades when the name originated, meaning 'Turkish stone'.
Benefits Ancient doctors thought turquoise prevented injury and ground it into a powder to cure stomach disorders, internal bleeding, and insect bites. Turquoise has always been used to protect the wearer from danger, attract wealth, and warn as a talisman or good luck charm. Some believe it will fade when danger or illness is near, or a lover is unfaithful. It’s also said to protect against pollution and strengthen the body. |
What Is Unakite?Unakite is a granitic with pink feldspar formed in magna of volcanic rock, mottled on green epidote and quartz.
Benefits Unakite has many metaphysical uses. Besides helping recovery from a major illness - it's thought to stimulate sex, encourage pregnancy and help a fetus. The stone is also supposed to relieve stress, aid sleep, and balance emotions and spirituality.