Your jewellery won’t sell itself, no matter how well the design. YOU have to sell it.

Selling At Craft Fairs & Shows
It’s not enough to sit behind your pieces waiting for someone to look. If anyone nearby looks potential, call them in – talk of the weather or the latest news. Anything to engage a conversation and their trust in you.

If it’s quiet, don’t gaze aimlessly, check your phone or read. If no one is around, then keep yourself motivated by telling the world where you are on social media, like tweeting or uploading a picture to Facebook.

Jewellery shops on the high street survive by training professional sales staff to push their products. When you see a potential customer, smile at them before you engage. This will make them feel welcome and like you. As the old saying goes: ‘sell yourself, and your products will sell themselves’.

Make your stall busy, give something away if necessary. Customers love busy stalls, it reassures them. It takes their risk away – if others’ are buying, then it must be good!

Other Ways To Find Customers
Sell to those you know, like the repairman, shop assistant, car salesman. If they’re on commission, the more they make from you, the more likely they are to spend some with you. If they can see you trust them, then likewise will trust you. Everyone needs to buy jewellery sometimes for presents. People love to buy from an enthusiastic salesperson.

Business Cards
Get lots of business cards printed. It’s easy online now, I use – cheaper and faster than in Hong Kong! They have simple to use templates where you can quickly design yourself. If you need a professional log designed, and you will if you don’t have one – pay someone US$5 on to do it for you.

Carry lots of business cards everywhere you go, and hand them out liberally. It’s good if someone asks what you do, but give anyone you establish a relationship with at least three card, some for their friends too. I always give a card where we stay overnight travelling – it really is amazing how an order arrives a month or so latter from some village we stayed in!

However, it only works if you talk about yourself to the person receiving the card. The more personal the better. Otherwise they'll throw it away. Ask questions to establish some sort of report – if they can relate to you in some way it helps a lot. Have you been to where they go on holiday? Do you know their town? Same make car? Same age children? When I was a photographer, I got a huge order from the AA man who helped at a breakdown!

Make Friends
Treat potential customers as friends – they will reciprocate. It’s easy to sell to friends as they trust you. Just talk to them about anything, the longer the better – then when they receive your card, they will keep it. Next time they need jewellery, you will be their first call.

Join a Club
It’s all about networking – the more people who know you, the more sales you will get. New friends at a club will trust you as you’re active in their organization. Give them a few business cards after telling them what you do – next time they need jewellery it’s pre-sold.

Public Relations Write to your local newspaper with a story of what you do and why you do it. Personalize and send pictures – snail-mail is very effective, but it can be done faster online.

If you’re organizing your own fair, it’s very important to list it on the free event websites. Not only does this cost nothing, but it will push your fair’s website up on Google searches too. The top sites I use are: Skiddle, Ten Times and WhereCanWeGo – but there are more that will publicize your event for free.

If you don’t have a website, get one right away. GoDaddy have really simple software and super-cheap hosting accounts. If you get stuck they also have excellent help! Don’t be frightened – they always say ‘you’ll get nowhere unless you leave your comfort zone’.

Take Credit & Debit Cards
Last year 60% of all sales are by card, and cash is expected to be used even less. So if you can’t process cards you’re loosing more than half your sales. Order an iZettle, SumUp or Square card reader online and start right away!

Beading Help